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Found 361 results for any of the keywords f skinner. Time 0.008 seconds.
B. F. Skinner - WikipediaThe idea that behavior is strengthened or weakened by its consequences raises several questions. Among the most commonly asked are these:
Burres Frederik Skinner — VikipediyaBurres Frederik Skinner (20 mart 1904 - 18 avqust 1990) -- XX ?sr Amerika psixologiya elminin görk?mli nümay?nd?si, Biheviorizmin tan?nm?s nümay?nd?l?rind?n biri olan amerikal? psixoloq.
Burrhus Frederic Skinner - WikipediaEn 1948, escribe'l llibru Walden Dos.
Берэс Фрэдэрык Скінер — Вікіпедыягрант Гугенхайма (1942)
بورهوس فريدريك سكينر - ويكيبيدياوالتعزيز المقدم يزيد من احتمال تكرار السلوك إذا كان إيجابيا. ويمنع حدوث السلوك إذا كان سلبياً
بیاف اسکینر - ویکیپدیااینگیلیسجه ویکیپدیاسینین ایشلدنلری طرفیندن یارانمیش«B. F. Skinner»، مقالهسیندن گؤتورولوبدور.( ۷ سپتامبر ۲۰۱۷ تاریخینده یوْخلانیلیبدیر).
Education Quotations - Light a FireEducation Quotations from Light a Fire, education quotes.
Learning Quotations - Light a FireLearning Quotations from Light a Fire, education quotes.
Norbert Schwarz - WikipediaNorbert Schwarz is Provost Professor in the Department of Psychology and the USC Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California and a co-director of the USC Dornsife Mind and Society Center.
Psychologist - WikipediaRestrictions apply to all individuals using the title psychologist in all states and territories of Australia. However, the terms psychotherapist , social worker , and counselor are currently self-regulated, with s
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